Ventilation Within the Hive

When reading countless articles, magazines and books on beekeeping the subject on ventilation comes up time and time again. The use of large entrances, open mesh floors are up for debate when choosing a beehive. What is better? The question is, for who..?

When looking at natural nests in trees and what cavities bees use we find that honey bees prefer cavities will small entrances. The small entrance helps with defending their nest, it helps the bees with the regulation of the temperature inside and it is much easier for the bees to control the ventilation. The humid air that is present within the nest is only in direct contact with the outside air via this entrance. When the bees want to reduce the heat or humidity some bees will fan on the comb, others on the wall and at the entrance, all in the same direction. The flow of air is this way very easily controlled. By having a small entrance the bees have to use minimal effort. This is not the case with conventional beehives. Looking at some designs with a mesh floors with a surface area of 1750cm2 it is a very difficult task for the bees to be able to regulate the air coming in and going out. Bees love warm spaces with high humidity, not cold and draughty ones.

Coming in to the winter months we find that the bees that are in log hives reduce their entrances even more, sometimes as small as a single bee space. They built propolis screens in the entrances, so that it protects them from moisture, cold air and pests during the winter months when little forage is available. When the need for them to enlarge it they brake down the propolis wall back to its original size which is in most cases around 13cm2.

The idea that we know what is best for honeybees is preposterous. If we really want to help with the conservation and preservation of wild honeybee nests, more thought needs exercised when making these decisions. A hive that mimics their natural abode or a hive that mimics a coffin? For us bees come first….

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