The medicinal importance of honey is well documented throughout the world. Honey possesses antimicrobial as well as wound healing properties. So why is it that when we walk through the supermarkets the honey can be found on the same shelves as jams etc.? Is this the right place for it.
When reading through the endless scientific studies on the natural properties of honey it becomes clear that honey is just not an ordinary substance and for this reason it shouldn’t be classed as such. Treatment against skin infections, burns, ulcers, inflammation etc. are just some of the uses of honey. Surely with all this knowledge about it we would need to respect it more?
Our perception need to chance, honey should be classed as a medicine and not a food product. If this perception doesn’t chance honeybees will always be under treat, exploited…
If you want to help the honeybee, put it in you medical cabinet and not the food cupboard.